Opened in 2008, our onsite 24-bed Respite Unit, called Othandweni (place of love), provides recovery, palliative and respite care to children and adults with advanced stages of AIDS and or cancer.
For many patients, our Respite Unit is a beacon of hope and represents a second chance at life. Every year, over 240 patients are admitted to our Respite Unit – approximately 70% of these patients recover to the point they are able to return home to their families, while 30% of our patients pass away in a dignified environment surrounded by our loving and caring staff.
HACT’s Respite Unit is open 365 days a year and operates 24/7.
We do not currently receive any governmental subsidies towards the running of our Respite Unit and are therefore completely reliant on donations to keep the doors to our Unit open.
While HACT is fortunate to have partnerships with several grant-making partners who donate towards our Respite Unit every year, there are always essential operating costs such as medicine, nursing staff and food that we struggle to cover from month to month.
Whether you are looking to Adopt-a-Bed as a company, a church or as an individual, your monthly donations will go directly towards helping us to provide the very best care and treatment to our patients so that they in turn, have the very best chance of returning home to their families and leading full, healthy and productive lives.
The costs associated with running each bed in our Respite Unit include our patients’ meals, medication, x-rays, blood tests and transport as well as the Unit’s staffing costs, utility bills, property, medical equipment and security costs.
If you are interested in supporting our Adopt-a-Bed Campaign and can commit to a monthly donation of R8,000 (approx. $450 / €460 / £400 ) per month or an annual donation of R96 000 (approx. $5300 / €5400 / £4750) we would love to hear from you.
Please contact our Marketing & Fundraising team on +27 31 765 5866 or via email at
For every R 8,000 donation received towards our Adopt-a-Bed campaign:
R6,080 is used for our direct patient costs, such as their daily medication and meals as well as lab costs, medical supplies and nursing care
R 1,120 is used for the maintenance and upgrade of our medical and or hospital equipment
R 640 is used towards the monthly running costs of our Respite Unit including lights, water, IT, and security
R 160 is used towards staff training and development to ensure our team can continually provide the best care to our patients
Click here to Adopt-a-Bed in our Respite Unit today or contact our Marketing & Fundraising team on +27 31 765 5866 /
All donations to HACT are tax-deductible.